Mittwoch, 2. November 2016

The merry of summer, the end of the slumber

It is time again; to die.

My life is somewhat like a permanent stay in the lion's den, where one must feel fear to dare further, further, further. My neck is already bleeding; the she lion bites me every day. That bitch, who saved my life is the incarnation of a dream. That horrific time spent  in the brazilian amazon jungle showed me a soul field of burned spiritual earth, which waited to be replanted with children of love. Books, music, culture. Freiburg took my Rainbow away, I took it's love away; tried to cage it in, handled it carefully, learned to receive it's treacherous curse, which I had fled for years. I didn't find my self - I became something far away from "my" self. We are it and the one who speaks is nothing but a representation of society's depression; but healing slowly, truly and trustingly.

I am nobody. We are the Organism(s); we are the lion's den. Do you dare?

It is time again; to live. We are free

With much of love from the Freiburg World