Ibu Lena As I mentioned in my last report, we had a very nice way up back to Bandar Lampung. Actually we met a cool lady in the secret garden, who had studied in Germany 20 years ago and wanted to get back into the german language (she is in the first picture). Basically we went to all those crazy places with her, drank egg-tea and some other vicious looking tea, jumped on elephants, were the main attraction on the local markets, got nearly sold to a muslim family, who searched for some nice husbands for their kids and finally were offered buisness opportunities to become the biggest sellers for zibet coffee in Germany. It was all very enlightening and we had a truck full of fun. The next posts could take a while as I am back in Balangan now and wont be on the camera to much. Nevertheless, the future looks promising as I am going to fly over to Sri Lanka in about a week.
Have fun at the octoberfest or any other place you might be.
m Ey friends, sitting in Jakarta again. Time moved on and my travel compagnions are leaving for the cold winter in Munich. Our last week was spent dealing with enormous waves, sketchy boat captains on little boats to even more sketchy waves at Banana Island and finally we made our way back to Bandar Lampung. The trip is another story and worth another blog entry. So be excited for the next issue.
Into the Wild. As I told you, we were about to do a little explorign in the south and these photos are what came around. It was really nice, very remote and a healthy change of the daily surf-eat-sleep routine. We camped at various beaches under some piece of plastic "tarp", met up with various "mayors" of the various villages and killed our motorbikes multiple times, trying to cross some treacherous rivers. We are back now and enlarged our group by two Australians. Next days will be full on surf again as we will be hit by some decent swell. So far so good, Have a nice day and hopefully enjoy these pictures (I am particulary proud that I didnt do ANY retouch on the photos ;-), not even the sunset ones).
Ramadan is over and the beaches have been invaded by the "who-is-who" of Jakarta and Bandar Lampung. All peolpe seem to wake up, laughing, jumping around. Nevertheless, we can take a little company very well as the last week had been quite quiet. After these full-on surfing days we thought about exploring the south a little more, only taking two motorbikes and our boards with us. Therefore I wont be able to take any pictures or show signs of life. As always - and in the name of the whole entourage - we hope you guys are well and enjoy your days.
Dream large - live enormous
Donnerstag, 9. September 2010
Many photos in a beautiful week.
Our secrcet spot was firing the last days! Waves, waves, waves. We surfed all around the clock. Only stopped for sleeping and eating. Actually I have a hard time to tipe these words as my arms are so sore and my fingers cut all over because of the reef, which can be a little bitchy at low tides. For the moment there is not much more to say really, except that we are all happy, in good heatlh and full of hope for a few more weeks like this.